Ini Tag pertama mama dari
Mbak Ifa-Mommy Farah! Mungkin ini rekor pe-er terlama kali ya mom, 1 bulan baru dikerjain! Saking lamanya,sampai kelupaan. Untung mama buka-buka file,ketemu pe-er ini nih! Maapin ya mom lama baru bisa dikerjain...
1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technocrati and PR goes up!
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida,paper by Catrine.
Alhamdulilah...akhirnya rampung juga. Makasih ya mbak ifa...
Tag nya sampe disini aja dan langsung mama pajang di sidebar.
100 mark-nya buat mom;)
BalasHapuspadahal kalo dibikin blogroll lebih keren kaya'nya mom..biar gak' panjang gituh hehehe..kaya' punyaku..panjang..
siip dah lgs dipajang nih..
wuahh ada tag lg yaaaa....selamat deh bikin tag yaaa....
BalasHapusDari jadul s/d gini hari masih ada aja ya tag.
BalasHapusBtw akhirnya tag nya selesai juga ya dikerjain.
wwooo,,,logonya lucu ya.......ada kue tar loh di rumah Vica
BalasHapusOh ow mau ngerjain itu udah hebad mom! Aku males buanget kalo tag, tapi kalo award sih diterima hehehe